Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Seven Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Milly gets more than she bargained for when she marries Adam Pontipee.
6 brother in law's, and they all live in the same log cabin.

My idea of heaven;
but she sets about finding them all wives.
With songs like Bless your Beautiful Hide, Goin' Courtin' and Wonderful Wonderful Day you know your gonna be traditionally entertained. With a large cast Lead by Steven Houghton Who's list of TV credits starts with London's Burning and takes in Bugs ,Holby City and Doctors,As his leading lady we have Susan McFadden, Grease is the Word winner and star of Grease in the West End as Sandy, both handle their roles very well, Yes another good show to add to the ever growing list to come to Manchester.

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