Monday, 29 September 2008

The ExTra Factor

Well! Celebs everywhere, a girl almost went dizzy. T'was my own fault, I turned to fast. Seriously , I did, well all those stars Colleene Nolan, Lisa Riley,An them two from 't nicker factory on Corrie, and that was just in the audience. All out for the first night of a touring production on a short engagement in our fair city. Yes The Xtra Factor came to the Opera house. Written by Dave Simpson, and Directed by Steven Leatherland. The guys how brought you "The Naked Truth"Stars of the show included Anthony Costa (Blue) Russ Spencer(Scooch) The Very Delish.... Anthony Kavanagh (Grease is the word finalist) Not forgetting the fabulous Kevin Kennedy Better known to us lesser mortals as Curly Watts. Oh and three girls, A Pop Idol, the none related one from Eternal, and a Hollyoaks star. A Good ensemble who, on the whole, work well. Mr Costa is a gem as a slightly geekish mummies boy,who may or may not get the girl, Kavanagh is perfect as the skally with a secret. What was that? Oh the plot? Its set in a TV Studio and the house where the six finalists of a reality show are lodged. It follows there last two weeks on the show with all the ups downs and side swipes that can happen in shows like this. The songs are a vehicle to show them in true Pop Idol , X factor stylee More a play with music than a musical.That said it ain't so bad. Kevin Kennedy as the wisecracking recovering alcoholic is for me the real star.Hopefully we will be seeing more of his talents SOON PLEASE. Feel good factor? A 7 1/2. singing 9. If its coming to a theatre close to you make the effort you might get a surprise. All N All a tongue in cheek look at the world of reality TV.

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